Experiencing the Cross

a review by Kevin Binkley

Experiencing the Cross

Noted Christian author, Dr. Henry Blackaby, entered the Christian book-sellers market once again with Experiencing the Cross: Your Greatest Opportunity for Victory over Sin. Henry is a familiar name to most Christian readers with his benchmark work Experiencing God.

In Experiencing the Cross Blackaby seeks to prove that victory over sin in the Christian life has something to do with understanding the cross the Christian is called to bear. Blackaby compares the cross Jesus bore to the Christian cross seen in verses like Matthew 10:38, "He who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me" and Luke 9:23 "If anyone desires to come after Me let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me."

Blackaby says, "The cross is not just His; the cross is mine and the cross is yours. It's an unconditional and uncontestable requirement if we would follow Him as a disciple. Would it not be important, then, for us to clearly understand the cross's role and meaning in our lives?" Blackaby works through the book to show how Christian cross bearing is an integral part of Christ-likeness and personal holiness. Other reviewers of this book have suggested that the book "puts an increased burden on already guilt laden Christians." I disagree. Anytime we talk about Christians joyfully accepting difficulty, and following hard after Christ, the risk of that burden is present. This risk of increasing the burden doesn't mean we shouldn't have the conversation.

Blackaby sees the cross as a picture of the Christian's humility and submission to God. Blackaby says, "I've often had people say to me how difficult it is for them to deny self. All of us have that difficulty, don't we? But let me tell you what I do in facing that difficulty. When I know of something He requires of me that's particularly hard to implement in my life, I come quietly before the Lord and say, 'Lord, I know this is what You require yet I'm finding it difficult for me. But If You will enable me and work in me and show me how to do this I'll respond to You immediately.'" Blackaby sees the cross and the Christian life as the joyful embracing of the difficulty that surrounds the Christian life, not a source for ever increasing guilt.

Blackaby suggests that we experience the cross as we surrender ourselves to God, much like Christ did on the cross. We will then find the freedom and the strength to live in a way that honors Christ.

Indeed, Jesus Christ's death on the cross did accomplish something and this book will help to unfold the significance of that accomplishment in the life of the Christian.

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